Living Bread International Church registered in Florida, USA. Its affiliate teams have opened and registered as a NGO in Jerusalem, West Bank, Gaza.
Living Bread International Church is registered in Kenya and has many initiatives under the church in Nairobi.
Karen and her son worked at Solid Rock Church. They later ran a bread ministry, and eventually moved to Atlanta Georgia. There they fed the poor, and ministered to men in half-way houses.
Pastor Karen and her son Blake, along with volunteers lived in Wales. They worked in the soup kitchen in Swansea and preached on the streets until September 11, 2001.
2003 Registered Living Bread International Church Inc. in Florida
2003 Living Bread open an office in Jericho. The city was closed to tourism and terrorist activities were high. During the stay in Jericho the team suffered death threats, car bomb, and house fires. They continued to fight the stronghold of terror with success.
2004 During the closure of Jericho, cooperation with the IDF allowed the team to bring in relief and teams into Jericho. Warehouses of Aid was distributed to those in need.
2007, Israeli Administrative Officers recommended Living Bread Church to Social Affairs and asked Director/Pastor Dunham to open an office in Jerusalem as being a partner with Israel. They were requested to duplicate what they had done in Jericho in all 27 refugee camps. Living Bread International Church was registered in Israel as an NGO.
2008 Living Bread affiliate was licensed in the Palestinian Authority as an NGO.
2008 The affiliate teams made efforts to visit every refugee camp and determine the need for humanitarian aid and relief efforts. Many initiatives were implemented, depending on the need.
2013 Living Bread International Church NGO was given a consultative status with the ECOSOC in the United Nations.
2014 Living Bread International Church registered in Kenya This functions totally as a church with many initiatives in humanitarian and to orphans, prisoners and police partnerships.
Living Bread opened an office and registered in Gaza as a NGO.
Living Bread NGO affiliate teams established offices in multiple cities in the West Bank along with humanitarian initiatives and educational programs. Milk for babies and clothing for refugees were among these programs.
2015 Living Bread International Church joined into a partnership with Nairobi administration police in Kibera slum. The teams are implementing programs with the Good News of the Gospel to win the lost, help the police, reform the prisoners, house the defiled children fleeing from violence, eradicate poverty, while
pushing back terrorism.
2015 Feeding Stations began running in the Nairobi slum in partnership with Officers. Illegal gun initiatives were implemented with success in the Slum. The terrorist stronghold fell and the youth participated in surrendering illegal guns. The governmental reports reveal crime has dropped.
2016 Living Bread International Church NGO location was destroyed in East Jerusalem, Israel.
2016 Hundreds affiliate churches from around the world joined themselves under the Living Bread International Church umbrella. They are still joining today.
2017 New offices were opened in Jerusalem, where 30 or more workers and volunteers at times, are on one year work visas'. From the Jerusalem office they are all stationed in Gaza, and the West Bank. Visit our Israel page to see some of the many initiatives, the teams continue to develop as affiliate teams under the NGO.
2017 Pastor Karen and the AP officers implemented a illegal gun, amnesty program. Surrendering illegal guns for amnesty. This successful program resulting in crime dropping in the areas targeted, and the terrorist lost the power to recruit in these districts. This operation is managed by the church.
2019 The church is supplying humanitarian aid to the prisoners. Reformation programs and teaching is in place to help prisoners and the transition back into society. Success, is proven- when they do not return to prison.
2019 Pastor Karen is in continued partnership with the officers in Kenya. She also heads up the Nairobi church team and is involved in mentoring security teams working directly in the government under Living Bread International Church.
2019 The Living Bread Church teams in Nairobi have implemented a new initiative 'The Cause for pro-life' to officers, government, schools, and churches.
2019 The West bank NGO affiliate teams working out of the Jerusalem office have expanded to Bethlehem. This is a new program as it focuses on building up the Arabic Church.
2019 The staff at Living Bread International Church run programs around Israel, and have opened a church in Ramalah.
2019 The church team in Nairobi began coordinating friends from Gaza Strip, West bank, and Israel to Nairobi to join in the compassion safari program.
2021 The church opened the Children's rescue center in Nairobi for defiled girls, (victims of violence) who are pregnant from age 11-17.
MAIL CHECKS TO- Living Bread International Church
PO Box 4713, Clearwater Florida 33758-4713
USA Phone + 1 727 656 5286 USA
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