The mission also develops initiatives out of the Jerusalem office to build peaceful relationships. The volunteers use Art and Culture as talking points that lead into deeper discussions with the Good News.
The young people love learning
about the Asian Culture in the mission that head-quarters in Jerusalem.
Medical professionals come to care for those in need in the mission. The office in Jerusalem is administrative but the action is in the harvest fields.
In the mission developed out of the Jerusalem office, our volunteers teach how to play musical instruments.
Part of the mission from Jerusalem to Ramalah is the running a beauty salon. It includes facial massages, and counseling, is a favorite for young adults and older ladies.
Many wonderful testimonies are coming out of this initiative.
The teams are scheduled out of the Jerusalem office but work in the mission in West Bank.
Times of discussions, fellowship, and questions and answers, follow movies with mothers and children
Arrive Ben Gurion Airport Israel
Grand Beach Hotel Tel Aviv
Caesarea National Park
Carmelite Monastery of Elijah
Look out where Elijah called down fire (at the park) 1 Kings 18:38
Cana Wedding Church John 2
Golan Hotel Tiberias
Galilee Boat worship and prophecy
Tabgha: Multiplication of the fish and loaves Mark 6:30-46
Capernaum Luke 4:31-41
Mount of Beatitudes Matthew 5
Kursi National Park- where Jesus delivered the man of demons- ministry Luke 8:26-39
Golan Hotel Tiberias
Samaria: Ruin of Ahab and Jezebel 1 Kings 16:1-22:53
Pray for the bond servants to be set free from Jezebel. Revelation 2:18-23
Mt Gerizim National Park- release the blessing as the Lord commanded the tribes of Israel to. Deuteronomy 11:29
Samaria: Jacobs well John 4
Meet with Living Bread Staff
Shechem Genesis 33:18-35
Nablus soap factory
Leonardo Hotel Dead Sea
Jericho, Jordan River: GATE to the promise land. Qusai El-Yahud
All of Israel crossed over the Jordan on dry ground Joshua 4:15-4:22
Moses stood across from Jericho and then climbed Mount Nebo Deuteronomy 34:1-4
John baptized Jesus Luke 21-22
Elijah went up in chariot 2 Kings 2:11
2 Kings 6:1-7
Ax head floated 2 Kings 6:1-7
Leprosy healed 2 Kings 5:1-19
Esther's project
Mount of Temptation Luke 4
Elisha Spring 2 Kings 2:19-22
Zacchaeus Tree Luke 19:1-10
Leonardo Hotel Dead Sea
Sodom: prophecy, prayer to remind the Lord: If HIS miracles were done in Sodom- it would still be standing. Matthew 11:23
Ein Gedi Nature reserve Ezekiel 47:9 everywhere the Ein Gedi goes and swarms the people will live. This represents a picture of the river of God.
Qumran National Park. Book of Isaiah
Dead Sea Scroll
Leonardo Hotel Jerusalem [next to Olive Tree and Grand Court-walking distance to Old City or Jaffa Street- Zion Square for evening shopping
Hebron: David reigned 7 years 2 Samuel 2:11
Machpelah Cave-Tomb of Patriarchs Genesis 23:4
Abraham's Spring (get into spring) Joshua 15:19
Valley of Beracah 2 Chronicles 20:26
Drive through Bethlehem Matthew 2:1-12
Matthew 26:6–13 Mary poured out the Alabaster jar of perfume on the feet of Jesus. Worship
Lazarus Tomb: Ministry John 11
Leonardo Hotel Jerusalem
Mount of Olives
Observation point Matthew 21:1,
Mark 11:1
Garden of Gethsemane Luke 22:40-46
Church of Lord’s Prayer
Golden Gate Ezekiel 44:2
Lion/Stephens gate Acts 6:5-8,
Acts 7:58-59
Old City Jerusalem
Bethesda pool John 5
Via Dolorosa Mark 15:16-21
Damascus gate
Solomon Quarry/Zedekiah Cave (if open)
Ezekiel 47:1 Then he brought me back to the door of the temple; and there was water, flowing from under the threshold of the temple toward the east,
Leonardo Hotel Jerusalem
Western wall - 1 Kings 5-7
City of David 1 Chronicles 11:5
Hezekiah Tunnel 2 Chronicles 32:30
Anointing service at Gihon where King Solomon was anointed King: 1 Kings 1:33
Upper room- Mark 14:22-25 Meet the Lord for the anointing to run it to the finish line.
Jaffa Gate
Jaffa Street
Zion square/Ben Yehuda- shopping
Leonardo Hotel Jerusalem
Garden Tomb worship service
Free afternoon
Bus to fly out Tel Aviv 6:00PM
Details and updated itinery coming soon
Hotels are 4-5 star hotels. Breakfast and dinner is included, busing, and all site entrance fees. Tips, travel insurance, lunches, and drinks, are additional. Arriving at Tel Aviv, airport instructions will be given on how to take the sheruit or taxi (at your expense) to the hotel listed above. Anyone needing special help with flight, sheruit, or taxi arrangements, can contact our office at Worship, prayer, and ministry, unto the Lord will happen all through the tour. We will be visiting some of the Living Bread Staff working and living in the country.
MAIL CHECKS TO- Living Bread International Church
PO Box 4713, Clearwater Florida 33758-4713
USA Phone + 1 727 656 5286 USA
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